Improving Equity in Sustainable Access to Medical Treatments

Proofing Future
2 min readOct 26, 2021


Identifing solutions to key barriers in various global contexts and across sectors.


This campaign has first been featured on the Open Collective Blog.

I originally became active on the Open Collective platform to support other initiatives, well before I founded Proofing Future. Now, I hope to find financial supporters for this self-initiated project:

Improving Equity in Sustainable Access to Medical Treatments will identify solutions to key barriers in different global contexts and across sectors. I interview and connect 8 changemakers, who would otherwise not meet, to align their ideas about fair data economies, commons & intellectual property regulations, capability expansion, and how policy-making can improve equity in sustainable access to medical treatments.

All content will be shared via Open Collective and on social media through Proofing Future: Bridging People + Ideas, a publishing site that I run to help raise visibility & connectivity for sustainability impact driven topics and organisations that actively contribute to solutions for a fair future for all.

Financial supporters will be named as a “producer” in each interview publication, and invited to weekly online meeting opportunities for project updates and an invitation to debate the outlined issues and solution finding.

Not only does the publication series build bridges among the interviewees and their engagements and solutions, in a subsequent workshop I will bring them together to work out a written “Recommendation for Action”. Thus aligned, measures across sectors will be published and actively submitted to decision-makers in business, politics, and international organisations and committees actively working on the issue, such as the secretariat of national delegates at the Council of Europe, National Ethics Committees, and United Nations.

Via Open Collective, I aim to raise funds for both campaign management and supporting the interviewees, and I will donate 10% to Open Collective. The interviewees remain free to decide whether to use their stake for their own purposes, or pass it on to other interviewees’ organisations or their identified solutions.

Support the Improving Equity in Sustainable Access to Medical Treatments campaign!

// Sincere thanks, Sebastian Klemm



Proofing Future
Proofing Future

Written by Proofing Future

We communicate solutions & foster collaborations of doers for climate action, social justice & tech for good. Join us:

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